New Headquarters Offices


New Headquarters Offices

New Headquarters Offices
June 1, 2021
Category Company news

Both of Nordic Pharma HQs, located in France and in the Netherlands, have recently moved.

Nordic Pharma HQ NL has relocated to a new office in the Schiphol area as of June 1st, 2021. You will find our new address and phone number below:​​​​​​​

Nordic Pharma B.V.
Siriusdreef 41
2132 WT Hoofddorp
The Netherlands
Phone number: 085 – 48 35 871

Nordic-Pharma-New Headquarters Offices

Nordic Pharma B.V., our Dutch affiliate, is also located here. 


Our second HQ in Paris, France, also relocated on March 1st, 2021 to the following address: 

Nordic Pharma
216 Boulevard Saint Germain
75007 Paris, France
Phone number: +33 (0)1 70 37 28 02

Nordic-Pharma-New Headquarters-Offices-Paris